

So I've been busting my ass on the house. I'm tired of it being sterile white and having no color. I'm tired of it looking like I don't give a shit about it (which I didn't, before). I put a lot of work into it and I -still- have to ride people in the house to pick up after themselves.

I mean -- seriously. What in the fuck is so hard about washing your dish or doing 7 dinner dishes (including the pots!) because I don't feel well that night? The lack of respect is astounding. I can't even explain it in words how shitty it makes me feel that I put so much work into the house and not one person could even load a gd dishwasher so that when I woke up, I didn't have it to do.

They might as well just bend over and ask me to wipe their ass, too.

This is what I deal with day in and day out and they wonder why I gave up before and just let it go to shit. This is the reason. I can't function like this. Things have to be neat or I get depressed. It's a sickness, I know but....help me out just a little, huh?

I make big meals for dinner with little mess. I'm not asking them to clean shit off the walls. I'm asking them to clean an effin' crock pot for Christ's sake. I try to clean as I go because *I* do the damn dishes most of the time and I'd like to sit down after dinner and relax after picking up after everyone. And if *I* don't do the dishes, the dishes get half assed done. Don't get put away, etc, etc...

I'm just disgusted this morning. I barely got out of my room after taking the sheets off to be washed, wandered into the kitchen and saw the mess like a slap in the face. I mean, I was sick and they left them there like "oh well, she'll get to them in the morning". Just...rude.

Gotta love being a mother.

1 comment:

suffer my desires said...

So..... Here we go.....


k, now that we got that out of the way. Our house is cluttered, as you have seen. And we're slowly working on declutterfying it. But, we're having a hard time keeping everything clean in the process. Now, I admit, the laundry was my fault. I, am the laundry bitch. There's just no if, ands, or buts with that. But the rest? It's really annoying when the trash doesn't make it out or something.

But, Ms. Reesha. I luff yew, I hope you have a better day. And don't worry, it will be alright.


P.S. At least you -have- a dishwasher! Bran -is- the dishwasher. Next place we get, is so having one. Then I'd pack that mf'r every day! <333