
easy, breezy..

The last couple days have been really relaxing. I've started my own personal workouts again, outside of the classes I teach in the mornings. I do 1/2 an hour on the (monsterous) stair machine and then try to do another 1/2 hour of something else depending on how much I did in the morning.

Yesterday I was just so happy to get the 1/2 hour on the stair machine banged out after teaching step (1/2 hour) and pilates (1 hour) that morning. I wanted to swim but I just didn't have it in me. Laps are pretty relaxing as well as good exercise so I try to fit it in when I can.

It's starting to pay off, finally. I see some progress which is nice since I'm constantly trying to encourage others to reach their goals and it's showing in the mirror for me.

Trying to be a mom to two teenagers, a pre-teen and a 6 yr old is hard enough. Add being bi-polar to the mix and trying to cheer myself to my own goals is like skating uphill but I'm trying to keep my determination.

I'm tired of sinking into the tarpit of despair and disappointing my kids, friends and most of all, myself.

Breathing..is life. Being able to smell the roses is a bonus.


The Sainted said...

You can do it. Even if you slip a little, you can get back up and keep forging on. I have all the faith in the world in you. And if you need a little brushing off.. you know I'll be glad to oblige. ;) Maybe a gentle push.. or just a shove. But you can do it. <3333

Ron said...

"...beautiful, Covergirl."