
seeing results

I'm starting to see results more clearly and it's encouraging. My new obsession is cycling. Ehh..as much as it hurts the "delicate" parts the next day I guess until I get used to it, that is. It's hard but when I can make it through that whole class I feel like a winner.

Yeah ..a winner in that cheesy Chariots of Fire, way.

Anyway..today was Pilates (1 hour) and my 2nd cycling class. It wasn't as good as the first but it was still challenging. It was a different teacher/club, too.

I wasn't nuts about the music..and it's funny to be on the opposite side of the mic. Music really does make an impact on your crowd.

I don't have much to report today so I'll end this post with my good deed of the day.

I was driving home from work and sitting at a red light when I see this lil green Gecko fall out of nowhere on my side mirror. He's just sitting there looking at me and I'm thinking..if I take off and drive, he's going to fly off and die :(

Soooo...I pulled over into a little drive way..and chased the gecko over the hood back and forth a few times before I finally caught him and set him on a tree. :) Yay ME!

The End.

1 comment:

Ron said...

You're truly a friend to lizard-kind, my dear. :)