
is it bedtime yet?

I woke up this morning with yet another sinus headache but it went away later on after taking half of a Tylenol PM. I'm not sure why that works more than the Tylenol Sinus (or other sinus medicine) but it does and that's all that matters. Right? =/

Doing really well with my meal plans and today I did my Pilates class (1 hour) and a 1/2 on the stairmonster. I can't believe how BORING it is now that I've been doing the cycling but part of the reason is probably because I didn't have a good magazine to read :( I'm going to try to bring my book next time and see if it makes me nauseous to try and read it..or if I can even concentrate on it.

Other than that..not a whole lot more going on. I'm going to make my popcorn and head to bed. I'm ready for this day to end -- more later!

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