

I'm groggy today and I don't know why. I can't tell if it's because it's one of those relaxing days where you just want to veg and stare at clouds while falling in out of cat naps or ...if it's because my sleep schedule is so fubar. Probably both.

We kept the boys home today because the alarms didn't go off and we just didn't feel like braving the storm this morning to drive them to school. Call us bad parents..wtfever. They can miss one day, I'm sure they aren't tortured scholastically by it.

I'm thinking about changing up my hairstyle, too. Been a few days in thought. Keeping the length but coloring it to a more brighter color for summer. Thinking light brown with a touch of small blond streaks. Problem is, I can not find a hairstylist that doesn't fuck up the look I'm going for. I never like to complain but I usually walk out dissatisfied with what they've done. And paying 25 bucks or more for it, makes me more angry when I get home and discover that the cut isn't that great? Yeah...makes me want to learn to cut my own damn hair.

My dieting is going VERY well. I'm pleased with everything at the moment..I just hope I can keep it up and the bipolar mood swings don't dissuade me from my path. I'm happy when I work out....it's getting me to do it that makes me want to kick small animals and gnaw on scorpion tails ...and no, not literally. Sad that I have to put that little notation, don't need any animal activists or white coat people knocking at my door. I have enough issues.

My friend, I'll call her H because I don't want to impose on the privacy of said friend, and I are trying to keep each other motivated. She got the bodybugg [ bodybugg.com ] that I recommended to her and in turn, a friend of hers got one. Why? Because they are awesome, duh. But I digress...we are trying to email each other and keep each other psyched for the results we know will come :D

I'm already seeing marked improvement in my weight and it's only been a week. It's not impossible but it's not easy either. But I'm stubborn (noooo not meee right? shaddup) so I will make this work, damnit.

Been drinking a lot more water and herbal teas. Adding some soymilk shakes to my diet [read up on it, studies are showing now that it helps reduce belly fat in women]. So...maybe when it's all said and done, I'll post pics. Yeah. Hold your breath ;)

I am also going to -try- (key word here, folks) to start maybe a photo blog of one of my meals per day. Just because I want to.

I think that's all for today...I still need ideas on what new thing I could learn! Get with the replies!


Ron said...

Call us bad parents

Wait, really? Are you sure? Well, if that's what you want. You're bad parents. I'm not sure what that accomplished, but I hope it helps. :)

As for what you want to learn, you want to learn to finish your book. :P

unsaintly: said...

rofl..owch. true, true.

Ron said...

I say it with nothing but tough love, dear. :)