
coming to a head..

So things have been really great. I'm happy and in a content place in my life. I work out twice daily, my house is clean and organized, my friends are awesome and I have some saintly wings carrying me, too.

All in all ...I have nothing much to complain about. There are some minor things. But I feel as though these minor things ..are the things that we consider dead weight. Things that, in order to fly, must be let go. Emotional baggage per se.

I'm okay with it. Oddly enough. I've decided, that I'm a big girl and I can let go of things to grow and metamorphasis into something better.

On another note: I've also decided to keep a food journal and workout journal. I need to break it down cuz I'm not sure if I'm doing everything I can to reach my goal. It's become my lifestyle more so than it was before. And I dont' say that obsessively. I mean that before it wasn't such a big deal. I would workout once every other day and not worry about what I ate. It's important to me now because I am trying to keep my health in check.

It also makes me feel better and feel like I have more control over things.

I'll post more later. Cameron is asking for me =)

1 comment:

The Sainted said...

Told you we'd be in synch again. ;) I'm having the misadventures of lobstergirl, and you're the poster child for health. Speaking of which.. my forearms hate/love you. But I can feel my hands today. :D Change sometimes hurts.. but afterward.. it's amazing how much better it feels.
